

What is your purpose?

Have any of you guys ever wondered what your lifes purpose is? I sure have. I think this is a good question that we should all ask ourselves. I believe that "living it up" is just not enough. I know that everyone wants to make tons of money, live well and live that celebrity type lifestyle. I mean, there is nothing wrong with that. I cant deny that ive thought the same way, and sometimes still do. BUT, material things shouldnt be what drives us. I know im not a great writer and this might not sound one bit appealing, and its like 4 in the morning and im writing this half-asleep. lol. So here it is. Check out this book. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This is a great book and I cant praise it enough. Im not a high school teacher trying to make you read Lord of the Flies or something like that, im just saying give it a shot. When you're in a bookstore or nearby one, go peep it out. Whats 15 to 20 minutes of your day reading? Nothing. Thats 15 to 20 minutes of you doing nothing at home anyways. Get up. Get in your car. Drive to your local Barnes and Nobles. Pick it up. Buy it. Read it.

Too lazy? at least check out the site and read the synopsis son!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good book tatang! i have this one at home!